CSOEMA Connection (Spring 2025)
In light of many recent developments highlighted in this issue of the CSOEMA Connection, I must acknowledge the potential shifts in occupational safety and health regulations affecting all workers. These actions could significantly impact worker health and safety, making our role as occupational and environmental medicine professionals more critical than ever. Now, more than ever, your involvement in organizations like CSOEMA is crucial.
CSOEMA Connection (Winter 2024)
As we approach the new year, I hope this message finds you well and that you have had a chance to reflect on the accomplishments and challenges of the past year.
In this issue of the CSOEMA Connection, we bring you headline news of significant events, research highlights, and current happenings in the field of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM). The feature article in this newsletter spotlights an insightful interview with CSOEMA-region OEM residency program directors, Dr. Zeke McKinney from HealthPartners / University of Minnesota and Dr. Kim Hargis from University of Illinois at Chicago, to discuss the landmark decision to include OEM Residency programs in the National Residency Match Program (NRMP).
CSOEMA Connection (Fall 2024)
In this issue, we highlight significant current events in the occupational and environmental medicine (OEM) field, including recent research findings and developments that impact our practice. Recent topics like the dockworkers strike, chemical leaks in Ohio and Georgia, H5N1 Bird Flu outbreak, extreme weather events, cannabis legalization, and impacts of Supreme Court decisions on occupational safety and health are highlighted among others.
CSOEMA Connection (Summer 2024)
Next, I want to extend a hearty welcome to the new members of CSOEMA. CSOEMA grew in size this year and CSOEMA now covers ten Midwestern states with the addition of South Dakota, Kansas, and Nebraska to the Central States family. Read about how these changes came about in this edition of the CSOEMA Connection. We welcome all the new members to CSOEMA with open arms. We encourage you to get involved and stay connected with us. We look forward to seeing you at the Annual CSOEMA Seminars!
CSOEMA Connection (Spring 2024)
As we commemorate this significant milestone, I’m reminded of the rich legacy of the Central States Occupational and Environmental Medicine Association and the profound impact of Occupational Medicine on society.
CSOEMA Connection (Winter 2023)
As we embrace the crisp winter air and the season’s festivities, I am pleased to extend a warm welcome to you all to the Winter Issue of the CSOEMA Connection.
CSOEMA Connection (Fall 2023)
I’m back home after the Fall CSOEMA conference in Minneapolis, MN and so thankful for such a great experience and the opportunity to see and hear from so many OccMed colleagues from across the central states. I felt especially privileged last week for the great community we have through CSOEMA.
CSOEMA Connection (Summer 2023)
This year marks the 100th anniversary of CSOEMA, which spans IA, IL, IN, MN, MO, ND, and WI. I’m so thankful to be a part of CSOEMA, which has helped us stay connected and serve workers and industries across our states. I feel especially fortunate to be president this year as we celebrate this milestone for our professional organization!
CSOEMA Connection (Spring 2023)
Welcome to the CSOEMA Connection, a quarterly e-newsletter for members, associates, and friends of the Central States Occupational and Environmental Medicine Association.
CSOEMA Connection (Winter)
Welcome to the CSOEMA Connection, a quarterly e-newsletter for members, associates, and friends of the Central States Occupational and Environmental Medicine Association.