Friday, March 14
Your assistance and support help enable us to continue to offer our high quality CSOEMA seminars. Your company’s (or individual’s) support will be noted at the seminar and on signboards displayed during all meetings, meals, and reception activities.
We have a new badge format this year. We are currently offering badge recognition for your company with a sponsorship of $1,000 or more. Your badge recognition will be featured on at least 15% of the badges. Click here for an example of our new badge format.
Lunch Sponsorship – $500 (4 available)
Sponsor will receive recognition on all printed and electronic pieces associated with the luncheon.
Break Sponsorship – $500 (4 available)
Sponsor will receive recognition on all printed and electronic pieces associated with the Morning and Afternoon Breaks
Networking Reception – $1000 (5 available)
Sponsor will receive recognition on all printed and electronic pieces associated with the Friday evening networking reception
Technology – $1000 (4 available)
Sponsor will receive recognition on all printed and electronic pieces associated with the Seminar.
Student & Resident Scholarships – $350/resident-student
Sponsor will receive recognition on all printed and electronic pieces associated with the Seminar. We typically host 5-7 Residents at our seminars.
A blast email announcing the seminars and a link to the CSOEMA website for registration will be sent to approximately 4,000 occupational physicians (including the entire ACOEM membership in the US), PA’s, NP’s, nurses and other allied health professionals.
Your company’s support will be noted at the seminar and on signboards displayed during all meetings, meals, and reception activities. The Program Chairman will also acknowledge the generosity of the exhibitors and donors from the podium at the beginning of the seminar.
We have a new badge format this year. We are currently offering badge recognition for your company with a sponsorship of $1,000 or more. Your badge recognition will be featured on at least 15% of the badges. Click here for an example of our new badge format.
The exhibitor assumes the entire responsibility for losses, damage, and claims arising out of injury or damages to displays, equipment, and other property brought upon the hotel premises, and shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the hotel, its owners, affiliated companies, agents, and employees from any and all such losses, damages and claims.
Setup may begin after 6:00 a.m. Giveaways and drawings are permitted. You will be provided a 6′ table (covered and skirted). A 110 volt outlet will be available. If you require something other than a regular 110 volt outlet, please contact hotel). CSOEMA reserves the right to assign some or all of the table locations. Sponsors will have priority in choosing table locations.
"*" indicates required fields
Exhibitors canceling more than 10 calendar days before the seminar may receive a refund (less a $25 cancellation fee). Exhibitors canceling within 10 calendar days of the seminar are not eligible to receive a refund. Cancellations due to extenuating circumstances will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis (and are subject to $25 cancellation fee)
Stay up to date and get the latest updates regarding our organization as soon as they are available.